I want to share with you over the next several posts a few examples and see if you can relate to them.
When I was in my late 30's I finally found the secret via BioSignature and Poliquin training methods to stay at around 8% year round but in my 40's a funny thing happen its been harder and harder and it perplexed me as to why?
Then in November 2010 after learning muscle testing from Bob Guiel he revealed that 50% of the BioSignature CE class that their my main concern was heavy metals.
I did the Dr Data test which is only about $170 and sure enough Lead and Mercury where the main issues.
So over the last 12 months I have been doing the heavy metal protocol involving Poliquin's Heavy Metal Detox formula.
This is the original Dr Data information regarding heavy metals
I have tested many clients and seen much worse. Mercury can wreak havoc on your body composition and it doesn't just effect the thyroid site (mid-auxiliary).
Unfortunately it can take 1 - 2 years or more to fix unless you see a specialist in the matter.
Guess what according to a GP doctor here in Australia I'm in perfect health. They would not consider this a issue or likely know it exists
My concern was elevated Lead, Mercury and Thallium.
The Dr Data Heavy Metals test is the gold standard according to Charles Poliquin and can end a person's frustration why things are not moving and thus a strategy can be worked out.
Of particular interest is lead as it competes with selenium in thyroid function. So I immediately did the heavy metal protocol 8 days on 8 days off for 12 months. Then I started taking a unique absorbable form of Selenium and my thyroid improved which made it easier to maintain and get to a lean body composition. What would normally take me months to get lean from say 11% to 5% now takes me half the time but I would have never known without Bob Guiel's muscle testing and subsequent Dr Data test.
Well next step is to retake my heavy metals to see how things have really improved. That's for a future blog.
Bob Gueils muscle testing together with the biosignature method gives clients another weapon to break through any plateaus they may have.