
Friday, March 5, 2010

Organic Shmanic ! Thats What I use To say

I use to think that organic food thing was a load of bull. Well I recently recertified my biosignature credentials on the Gold Coast in February 2010 with Charles Poliquin. What was great about it was that Charles took 12 site skinfolds of everybody. That's 60 case studies which was awesome. OK you might find it boring but I can't get enough information from the guy.
Any way I was measured.
Now let me give you some history. Your triceps if your a real man should be less than 5mm (actually 4mm now) and both times that Charles measured me in 2008 and 2009 I had one of the lowest in the 3.9mm.
I was pretty proud of that thinking I am a real man.
Well in 2010 I made a concerted effort to eat more vegetables I mean alot more. I am talking about 2kgs per day. What happened. Well unbeknowest to me (I should've known better but I thought I was immune)I was taking in large doses of pesticides that supermarket veggies and fruits contain.
In Europe they ban certain pesticides which they use in Australia! What the......
Well my legs especially hamstrings started increasing from 5mm to 12.9mm and my quads went from 5mm to 8.9mm. Man was I pissed. But worst of all my triceps were around 6mm (F..K!!!!). That explains why I turned off the footy and watch So You Think You Can Dance,why I said not now honey, why I watched Beaches and cried when I watched Biggest Loser... This happened while my nutrition had been the same just the veggies I changed!
When I went home I threw out all the vegetables in the freezer and bought everything organic. Even the nuts in Australia are laden with pesticides
What's the lesson.
When you shop for fruit and vegetables in this country just think twice. I remember when I was a kid fruit was not as shinny and perfect as you see today. Why do you think they look so good? Because they pesticide the crap out of them so you buy them. I am mad as hell!
Now I am supplementing with Zinc, Estrodefense and Dim / Uber Sulfurophane 1.0 yeah the stuff chicks take!

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