
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Can't tolerate Whey In Your Post WorkOut Shake?

I have been training for 20 plus years bugger that went quick. Well the old whey protein just doesn't how do I say this? Well it goes straight through me faster than I would like so what to do?
Take 12 Amino Acid Supreme which is equivalent to 20 grams of whey with 15-30g of Primal Greens Post workout. This will stop cortisol in its tracks and put you into a anabolic/anticatabolic state faster. Then 20-30minutes later have a serving of Estrogenomics which contains rice protein and modulates estrogen very well especially in Australia.
That will give you 40g of protein post workout. If you need more just adjust the Amino Acids up or add some Organic rice or pea protein to the mix. Add your 20-30g glutamine or 0.3g-0.6g per kg and 1-20g of glycine (titrated up) if carb intolerant or Quadracarb or your favourite juice if carb tolerant.
Ahh that's better!

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