
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Do A 7 Day Cleanse to Improve Your Fat Loss Efforts

Doing a 7 day cleanse or detox is one of the best methods to repair the joints, liver and GI tract which is extremely important aspect in your fat burning efficiency. I have seen it time and time again fat loss plateaus overcome with the resulting weeks following the cleanse more mental clarity for you to train harder and better handling of toxicity because your liver functions better resulting in greater fat burning capacity.
Most detox in a box kits actually make you more toxic. The right way to do it is to fortify with amino acids which are important for phase 1 & 2 liver detoxification processes and a strategy that is individualised based on your hormonal profile which can be determined by a experienced BioSignature Practitioner.
On average you should lose 1-2% in body fat but more importantly you'll notice fat loss seems easier afterwards, assuming your training and eating properly.
Its a good time after a cleanse to completely change you foods too. One of the many tools I use with clients with great success but it ain't for the faint hearted only those interested in results

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Stop Focusing On The Scale For Life Long Leaness

It astounds me that so many people focus on the scale to gauge their success or failure with their body composition goals. Especially women! The media has brain washed women into believing that you all should look like skinny super models do heaps of cardio and eat low fat which translated means no fat!
Whats worse is the mainstream medical community promotes this when the average GP hardly learns an hours worth on average throughout their course on nutrition. But that's another story.
When you focus on the scale you get the wrong feedback because muscle is more dense than fat. Look at picture above. This focus causes all sorts of problems from exercise selection to the food we eat.
So what does the typical gym goer do
a) heaps of slow cardio which increases cortisol and which after 6 to 8 weeks your body adapts to so what do most people do, Yep more cardio its the only way to make it harder so they reason. Plus it burns fat right! So in reality you lose precious metabolic muscle which slows down your metabolism so when you finally reach your goal weight and start eating "normally" again its easier to get fatter! And the cycle repeats itself till you give up in fustration.
b) They eat low fat because that's what the media promote and all fat in that case is evil
c) They count calories because its all about calories right.
Their reward is scale weight goes down but year after year it gets harder and harder to stay in shape unless they do marathons and who has time for that with all the work, family stress you have to deal with
So what to do?
a) If you must do cardio focus on doing HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training which research has shown is more effective at fat loss and time efficient as the focus is not longer cardio but harder as your body adapts
Incorporate weight training. Building muscle girls is what keeps you lean and shapely not soft and skinny. One pound of muscle burns 50 calories approximately at rest, ye even while sitting down. So replace 8lbs of fat with 8lbs of muscle you can eat more while having a smaller size dress and keep it off easier.
b) Not all fats are created equal, consume smart fats which assist in controlling your hunger, slow down the glycemic index of meals
c) This is my favourite. A calorie is a calorie dogma is causing us to make the wrong food choices namely low fat! 100g of sugar is metabolised differently from a 100g of protein. On average it takes 30 calories to process a 100 calories of protein whereas it only takes on average 4 calories to process 100 calories of carbohydrates. Not only that but your eating should reflect your hormonal/genetic profile ie. some people are designed for carbs and some aren't. A BioSignature practitioner should be able to access that for you and end your frustration