
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Common Squating Probelm - Do Your Knees Cave In ?

Common complaint that people encounter is that their knees collapse when they do squats.
I saw a physiotherapist wrap a belt around a clients thighs and telling them to focus on pushing out against the belt while squatting. "Cringe"
Well the problem is that the physio thinks that its due to weak hip abductors.
What is actually happening is the squat is primarily a hip extensors movement and the brain gets mixed messages as the physio tries to engage the hip abduction. This will cause a incorrect recruitment pattern being formed which will make you weaker in the squat and does not fix the problem. Its great for the physio because they get to pay off the mercedes!
Judging from the client returning for 3 months I'd say I should get into physio
There are 2 main causes either you have poor vastus medialis (VMO) strength  and/or a addhesions between the adductor magnus and medial hamstrings.
This is very common in women who do lots of pump classes or anyone who over uses the vastus lateralis
A better solution wold be to strengthen the VMO and stretch the hips and hamstrings which is done by a Level 2 and above PICP Strength Coach accessing a persons lower body structural balance

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