
Friday, November 27, 2009

2010 Training, Nutrition and Supplementation Journal Using BioSiganture and Poliquin Principles

I don't want this to be a lets talk about how great I am post though I am not to bad in that pic if I do say so myself. I was 40 years old just before I stepped on stage to win the ANB Mr Victoria 090kgs class in 2008.

Rather I wanted to share my 20years of knowledge with all sorts of people whether athletes aspiring to be national or olympic champions or mum's and dad's wanting to lose a few pounds or natural bodybuilders how to use Poliquin Principles to compete.

Did you know I did next to no cardio to get this lean!!! Man I remember the days in my 20's when I use to run 5kms every second day just to get abs but they never came. What a waste of time cardio is - I will reveal a ebook soon how you can have "Abs Year Round - While Having a Full Time Job & Family" without cardio or starving yourself or resorting to drugs while dramatically improving your health with as little as training 3-4 days per week for 45-60 minutes.

Man there is a lot of BS about the subject of nutrition, training and supplementation and my mission is to demystify it all for you as I have by learning from the greatest strength coach in the world Charles Poliquin -

December 1st 2009.
Well I thought I would start a blog about how I get ready for the INBA and ANB contest season for 2010. I have competed at the national level but because I took a year off I need to requalify.

I took a year off because my wife had a beautiful baby boy on July 28th 2009. I was under alot of stress and my body fat crept up to a massive 12.5%. Ahhhhhhhh..... What I did is that I could no longer train twice per day due to lack of sleep - the mum's and dad's can relate, As for you people without kids in your 20's,30's etc yoou have no excuse. So what I did is wound back my training to once per day 4 days per week for 12 weeks using GBC "German Body Composition Training" Bottom Line I went from 12.5% to 7.9% in the first 12 weeks after my son was born waking up all hours throughout the night.
So please don't give me the I have no time or energy to train crap!!! Its all about desire, goals and intelligent training, nutrition and supplementation. The 12 week GBC routines I designed and used were taught to me by Charles Poliquin.

What is unique about this journal is that I will use exclusively things I learnt from Charles Poliquin and BioSignature Modulation.
Why am I doing this to make myself accountable and to put positive pressure on myself to raise my standards which I learnt from reading Skip Lacour's books.
Yes I am a big fan of Skip LaCour and his mindset strategies and I will show you how I combine these two factors to take my physique to be natural and outstanding!
WHAT is interesting for the reader is that the obstacles, lessons, trials and tribulations I will go through apply to everyone whether you just want to lose 10lbs and gain some muscle tone or you are a athlete or a bodybuilder yourself
What I hope for people who read this blog is that they learn how after 20 years of training how they can slash the time it takes for them to transform their own physique instead of doing the trial and error approach which most people follow.
I wish I had all this knowledge 10 years ago but I still have the fire only know I am married have a full time job, run a BioSignature business and have a 5 month old son.
Am I nuts were will I find the time? Well no excuses I will find a way.

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