
Monday, December 7, 2009

What Doctors and Nutritionists Don't Know Will Harm You

I am going to demystify eating for you with some logic...
Lets go back to the Paleolithic era of the caveman. The average caveman was 6ft 2inches or 188cms, 250lbs or 113kgs and muscular! So what happened? Well cavemen only ate things that were not processed.
This low fat crap that Doctors and Nutritionists promote has made us fat. It's also made millions of dollars for companies that make carbohydrate products staples such as Cornnflakes, Bread, Chips etc. Our genes have only changed about 0.004% in 10,000 years we were not made for Modern Carbs.
Only 25% of the clients in my BioSignature practice can have modern day carbs and even then I promote low GI/ GL. The remaining 75% do better with meat, nuts and vegetables with a occasional once per week cheat meal. They all report better energy and cognition throughout the day and,needless to say, people who find losing fat difficult all of a sudden find it easy to lose fat. What is also surprising to most is that you don't count calories. In fact in another article I'll explain why counting calories is an out dated concept.
Now let me clarify where I'm coming from...I have tried every diet known to man and my business' success is based on individualising eating according to a persons' genetics. BioSignature individualises your eating without expensive testing.
So how do you eat Paleolithic?
If it runs, swims, flies or its green then you can eat it!
I am on the Paleolithic Diet Year round and I am 7.5% body fat without doing cardio and I maintain it easily. I am never hungry and I don't count calories.
Oh, and for Christmas I never put on weight or fat. In fact I will probably get leaner! I will eat everything in site on Christmas day...especially being of Italian background.
I am somewhat carb intolerant and when I eat too many carbohydrates I store more readily as fat, though that is changing now because I am relatively lean.
That's the thing you need to work carb sensitive you are... then design your diet. A BioSignature practitioner can do it in 5 mins just by measuring 2 sites.
Put simply if you have never seen your abs and you predominantly store fat on your love handles, back and abs there's a good chance you cannot handle carbs that well.
Now don't get me wrong, you can lose weight using a high carb diet, but you will have to count calories, starve yourself and do some sort of cardio or exercise.
There is the rare person that is designed for carbs where this advice does not apply. They are well suited to endurance activities due to their genetic tolerance for carbs, but this is rare. Again a BioSignature Practitioner can find it out in 5 mins and for the rest of your life you know exactly what to do. The beauty is you can change your tolerance for carbohydrates as you get leaner. Basically the leaner you get (generally below 9.9% bodyfat) the more carbs you can handle!

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