
Monday, January 4, 2010

What The Hell Is BioSignature Anyway?

Are you trying to lose weight?

Are you running 30mins, 45mins, 60mins every second day or more and still you can't lose fat on your legs?

Are you eating like a bird and your fat loss has stalled?

Have you followed the latest fad diet, maybe even lost weight but you piled it back on then some?

Are you busting your ass in the gym but can't lose that last bit of stubborn bodyfat?

Are you spending $100's of dollars and hours in the gym with little to show for it?

Do you hate how other people get results so easily yet you struggle to change ?

Are you fustrated with you hips and thighs that won't budge even if you can see your abs?

Do you find it hard to stay in shape year round?

Do you think losing bodyfat and increasing muscle is impossible?

Hello my name is Antonino Calabro, I have been passionate about fitness and health for over 20 years! I have gone to the best trainers in the world looking for answers where most people would have given up.

I used to run 5km's every second day yet never have abs.

I use to eat 1500 calories low fat diet and looked like a skinny marathon runner, not very manly indeed

I wasted so much time until I went to the best Strength Coach in the world.

Are you wasting your time, spending $100's or $1000's and still those abs won't show or those love handles won't budge or your legs make you look like a pear instead of a hour glass

Have you been told over and over again thats just the way you are?

What if there was a scientific guaranteed way to solve your body challenges.

Now don't get me wrong you still need to work hard just smart

Go to for more info


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Why would I call you I'm a BioSignature Practitioner! ;
