
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Passion Combined With The Right Strategy Will Get Your Goals Like A Lightening Bolt But Focus On the Basics 1st & Be Careful Who You Listen To

Hello this is Tony Calabro Natural Bodybuilder and one of the many fans of Charles Poliquin. I like to think the biggest but I digress.
I remember when I was looking for the most effective eating, training and supplementation strategies in my late 20's and 30's, I was and still am obsessed with it all. Normal people go out with their mates while I spent hours reading all the different theories on Nutrition, Training and Supplementation.
But you know what I am going to sit you down look you straight in the eye and say " Now listen stop wasting your time looking for the best strategy to eat, to train and the latest fan dangle supplement instead focus on the basics and learn from the most successful! "
I wasted so much time looking for the perfect diet, training etc that I didn't focus on the basics and listen to the people who walk the walk not talk the talk.
If you want to be a millionaire do you ask your accountant who is making $50,000 a year for advice. Hell No You Ask A Millionaire!
If you want to be a NBA basketball player and you have the choice to learn from the local basketball jock or Micheal Jordan, you choose Micheal Jordan.
Logical right?
And the biggest joke are personal trainers that are out of shape or not as good as their clients. It boggles my mind
OK now stay with me the most successful strength and conditioning coach I know of is Charles Poliquin go to his website for bio. Yet there are 100's of so called experts who never list their clients saying that its for privacy reasons. What a load of .................
That's why this blog is dedicated to convey to people that all this knowledge you will read from this blog was learnt via Poliquin, my actual experience and successful mentors such as Skip LaCour, Anthony Robbins etc
So 2 vitals points focus on the basics and listen to successful people. When your ever confused how you should eat or train or supplement ask yourself what has the most successful person done not your buddy in the gym who is average and try it out on yourself you will save years of wasted time.
Stop looking for the perfect strategy and put the onus on yourself to do the basics. Are you eating 6 meals per day, are you taking a multi, are you missing workouts. These are the basics people until you get those down first then look for ways to go to higher levels.
If you have any questions for a limited time I will answer them just shoot a email to

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