
Monday, January 9, 2012

I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever give you a Diet!

I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever give you a diet!
I will teach you a lifestyle to lose fat and gain muscle.
That's the first thing I say to women. They have been brain washed into thinking from the mass media that counting calories is the be all and in all in optimal body composition. It plays a role but its not the whole story.
This myth perpetuates as it allows you to eat anything as long as its less than you daily caloric limit. But guess what if this was true then we wouldn't have such a epidemic obesity crisis like we do. Australia is the 3rd fattest country in the world!
Let me explain 100 calories from protein is going to be metabolised completely different from 100 calories from sugar. For one 100 calories of protein requires 30 calories from the body to just process the protein on average but only 4 calories on average from sugar.
The companies that sell sugar derived products - love the calorie model.
You see its not their fault your getting fat according to them its your because you are eating too many calories. You can eat sugary foods as long as you count calories.
But what they fail to tell you is that sugar is addictive and you crave more and more!
Of course sugar has other wonderful properties such as raising blood sugar, suppress your immune system and accelerates aging !
Our Paleolithic ancestors had it right emphasing protein, smart fats and caveman carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables. The caveman only had sugar when he/she came across some honey which was very very rare.
Guess what the average caveman was 6foot 2 inches 250lbs and muscular!
Having said that some people have adapted to the modern diet about 15-20% of us. Yet the mass media promotes that to all of us. Most of us have not adapted to the western diet and need to individualise our carbohydrate consumption in terms of type, timing and quantity which can be identified by biosignature and soon a genetic test to eliminate guess work, will post when available in Australia.
On a personal note I don't calories I watch the type and timing of my food. I'mnever hungry and freak out when my bodyfat goes above 10%. I'd say the only time to count calories or portions is if you find you can't eat enough or are competing in a physique contest but that's because the above factors are taken care of first.

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