
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

DHA - Strength, Insulin, Pregnancy, Brain,....................

Want to increase your strength in a 1 to 2 week period?
High dose DHA I'm talking 3grams three times per day of this particular Omega 3 fatty acid. You see DHA improves the link between white muscle fibers and the brain. It also helps mitigate better insulin sensitivity and should be taken by women before, during and after pregnancy as the fetus needs DHA for brain development. A lot of women get 'baby brain' after pregnancy, they can't concentrate as well as they used to. A large reason is because their child has exhausted or used up a significant amount of their DHA stores.
Is it safe to use this much DHA? Well there is a theory that the caveman had 300-400grams of omega 3's per week by eating the brains from carcasses left over from fights they had. The animals would fight, scavengers would devour the carcass and the caveman came out of his cave, cracked open the skulls and ate the Omega 3 rich brain which enabled their own brain to evolve to the present day size. If it was good for the caveman then I think its pretty safe for us!

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