
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Food Sensitivities Can Slow Down Fat Loss

Food sensitivities can slow down fat loss.
If you have leaky gut which is a condition where your gut lining is compromised your food sensitivity list will be high.
What can be done about it?
Well the gold standard is the MRT test by Signet which detects your reaction to food based on a inflammatory response is unavailable in Australia. Its great because unlike IGg test it can predict foods that are not part of your consistent diet.
The IGg is widely available and detects your immune response to certain foods. The only problem is that it gives you false negatives. For example your could be sensitive to gluten but you have eliminated it from your diet so your body has not developed any antibodies to gluten therefore the IGg test will say gluten is fine for you when in fact it could well not be.
So knowing it gives you false negatives you can strategically heal the gut
However when most people actually write down what they actually eat they find that its hard to come up with more than 20 foods in fact the average is more likely to be 7 e.g. dairy, eggs, beef, chicken, gluten, broccoli, tomatoes, peanuts etc
So the IGg is great (provided you use a "GOOD" lab) for the group of foods you eat now. It takes approximately 2 weeks to develop antibodies to a particular food sensitivity so you could artificially do that to find out if specific foods will effect you.
As a rule if you have to be lean on a certain date eat the foods you plan to eat try to eat from a list of 20 foods then test yourself via IGg you may find if you just eliminate certain foods you will lose fat faster.
It would also be a good time to do a gut rebuilding protocol which involves a bunch of botanicals and 80g of glutamine a day for 21 days.
After which do the IGg test again you may find that you no longer are sensitive to certain foods but what sensitivity repeats itself lets say beef means you should stay away from on a continuous basis.

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