
Friday, August 3, 2012

Mistakes I've Made But I Know Better

There are alot of ego's in the health and fitness industry.
Everyone's a guru.
But the best are always learning and improving and admit when new information makes them improve their methods. Its the practitioners who never measure, hardly update their knowledge but continue to profess their way is best is what you should be wary of.
It really cuts me when I make a mistake or don't get fast results with BioSignature.
But if you don't make mistakes you never learn.
For example doing estrogen protocols without verifying D3 status or making sure the liver needed a detox.
Not asking the right questions about a women's health
Giving someone a metallic cleanse  instead of a estrogen one
Misinterpreting the sub-scapular fold because I didn't realize its not just insulin that affects that site which influences my decision on how the client should eat
Why am I writing this? I want to be the best so I strive to learn more.
Now my success rate is far higher and what I recommend is more efficient than in the past
It should  be I've been doing this since 2008

Personally it took me 6 months to get 5.0% body-fat I can now get there in 8-12 weeks
There is no flaw in BioSignature but I realise you need to go beyond it and learn from other functional medicine resources, nutritional experts who get results and people who have a proven track record getting people in shape such as Francine Savard, Dr John Berardi, Charles Poliquin, Johnny Bowden etc
Everyone wants to be the guru and they want to tell you how good they are, I'm no different only difference is that I don't ever think I know it all and I love learning more
My holidays are around seminars and courses to learn more about the field of exercise,nutrition and supplementation.
 I'll let the results do the advertising!

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