
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Insulin Resistance vs Insulin Sensitivity - The key to how you should eat to be lean & healthy!

When you are Insulin Resistant you are more likely to store body fat when you eat carbohydrates than if you were Insulin Sensitive.
Basically the leaner you are the more sensitive you become which explains the saying that its easier for fat people to get fatter and lean people to get leaner.
A layman's explanation is that when a person is greater than 10% body fat for men or 14% body fat for women they can not store carbohydrates in muscle tissue as well as those who are leaner.The higher the body fat the worse the situation becomes. If we were to talk in terms of percentages a fat person (insulin resistant) would eat 100g of carbs and store 85% in fat cells, 10% in muscle cells and 5% is used by the liver but a lean individual (insulin sensitive) would take that same 100g and store 85% into muscle cells, 10% into fat cells and 5% into the liver.
This is a major reason why counting calories is not as important as the type of food you eat!
For example if you ate 100g of protein and 100g of sugar sure they both equate to 400calories of energy but how the body uses that energy is entirely different.
The counting calories way to life long leanness is moronic and doesn't work long term there is more to it than that! Something that dieticians still haven’t figured out is that different foods effect blood sugar and hormones such as insulin differently, this is a very important concept and explains why a "calorie is not a calorie" which nutritionists still claim that its a simple equation, just eat less than what you need and you will drop weight.What a load of bull.To get my Vicfit I have to provide diets high in carbohydrates to pass my qualification's so I can get my insurance but you know what only 25% of my clients take carbs as a major component of there diet the rest it would be disastrous for.But this is what the average nutritionist or personal trainer learns!

Actual photo of award-winning dieticians! What's wrong with this picture? Anyone?
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