
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

BioSignature Queensland 2012 Day Three

Top 10 things I learnt from Day 3 Bio Signature 2011
1) Blue berries most brain protective whereas raspberries are more cardio protective - rotate your berries
2) 3 reason people are fat are stress, malnutrition and toxins -Nutritional Cleanses address all these areas and accelerate bio-transformation. In Australia because of all the pesticides in our foods a Estrogen cleanse is most likely in order. Personally I was stuck at 9-10% bodyfat for months did a 7 day cleanse and went from 9.1%@93kgs to 7.6%@91kgs. Interesting thing was it was easier to maintain as I went straight back to Paleo eating but switched all my foods. I've had alot of success with women doing these cleanses they find that its a great plateau buster as they continue to get leaner
3) Stay alkaline during the day with lime in your water or with greens drinks. Cortisol creates a acidic environment in the body, alkalizing can reduce cortisol and thus improve body composition much faster
4) Vitamin D3 - every single cell in your body has a Vitamin D3 receptor sight optimize D3 levels in your body and you optimize a myriad of functions, every ailment known to man can be improve with D3 except for being hit by a bus. Even then your reaction time will be better with D3 so you can dodge the bus!
5) Anyone with Chrons, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis or similar have had success doing a MRT test followed by a gut rebuild protocol and Cod Liver Oil
6) Mimic sundown in your house to generate more melatonin before bed for better sleep ie. dim lights etc
7) Sunglasses decrease vitamin D3 production
8) Glutamine is a adaptogenic amino acid which means it can convert to any amino the body needs
9) Vitamin E and poly-phenols from chocolate are the antioxidants of the uterus
10) 70% or more Dark chocolate should be shaved to increase the sweetness and so you don't inhale it, Pressing the shavings against your palate activates the neurolingual reflex which increases the absorption of nutrients - this has been validated via MRI studies

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