
Friday, December 16, 2011

BioSignature Queensland 2012 Day Four

BioSignature Queensland 2012 Day four
Day Four was quite involved
Cortisol Modulation
1) There are 8 types of stressed people eg stressed and wired
2) A grateful log decreases cortisol and helps you sleep
3) Mobile phones, wifi etc all decrease testosterone
4) Exercising on electronic equipment increases cortisol and decreases testosterone (explains why those cardio people look the same year after year
5) Vitamin C, Magnesium and Pantethine help modulate cortisol
6) Answer your emails at twice per day max
7) Cortisol and Insulin are closely related. Cortisol makes glucose from amino acids in muscle
8) 80% of diseases known to man can be treated by addressing the pancreas and the adrenals
Estrogen Modulation
1) Organic butter improves estrogen detoxification, thyroid health due to iodine and gut health
2) Magnesium helps with E16 modulation
3) There are 3 types of estrogen E2 (good), E4(bad)and E16 (ugly)
4) One 30mg dose of Uber Sulforaphane(found in broccoli)per day prevents prostate cancer for life according to the research
5) Australia is swimming in a sea of estrogens (may I add ignorant and Doctors) found in our fruits and vegetables which are sprayed with chemicals which are not allowed in the US or Europe! Para-beans found in cosmetics, soaps, shampoos etc plastic and plastic linings of food etc etc
6) Want to detoxify estrogens make sure your D3 levels are above 80-100 nmol/L
7) Everyone according to Dr Mark C
8) Women who have been on pharmaceuticals ie the pill should take Estrodefense
9) Saddle bags? Take Green Tea Excellence and Grape Seed Supreme
10) Post pregnancy women should replenish their low DHA levels, D3, Gut Health and thyroid nutrients
11) The hamstring is the Xenoestrogen (man made estrogen s) site which is is high in Australia increasing prostate cancer and other cancers
12) For Women there are 6-8 different estrogen protocols
Phew and that's just a summary

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