
Thursday, December 22, 2011

GP's are letting us down.UK and Aussie Drs have the worst attitude in the world

I have raised my standards in my Bio-Signature practice and hence my results. I now make it mandatory to get a Red Blood Cell Magnesium and Zinc test, D3, 12 hour fasted glucose and insulin test.
With this information there is so many benefits
Every single Doctor I ask for RBC Magnesium or Zinc test gives me the same response that its not necessary as they want you to be normal not optimal, there's a difference. The norms they have are based on Homer Simpson, they do not take into account toxicity, stress or malnutrition which are the 3 main causes of weight gain. I have had some Drs say they do the RBC Magnesium and Zinc test and I end up seeing Serum/Plasma which is only useful if you are near death, proof positive they have no interest in your optimal health or are ignorant of it.
Doesn't improve my confidence in GP's much. Just makes me want to learn more so I don't rely on them.
Actually at the recent BioSignature in QLD Charles said that in the US Dr Mark Houston Director, Hypertension Institute gets his colleages to take the BioSignature course different attitude over there.
Charles told of another story in Australia of a Doctor who took the BioSignature course who said there was no such thing as E2, E4 and E16 (different types of estrogens) many several pubmed references later he said they never taught that at school!
People, Australia has one of the highest rates of prostate cancer in the world and our Doctors are not taught the basics of E2, E4, & E16. Oh I know I'll start ranting on our government to and how they allow pesticides and herbicides which aren't allowed over seas making us one of the worst estrogenic places in the world. Hello anyone home? Then my favorite the Pharmaceutical industry in my opinion the biggest snakes of all.
I know I use to work for them!
I'll get on to that another day
What all this got to do with BioSignature, weight training, body composition, energy etc? Everything you see if you don't have incredible detoxification genes then getting fatter is easier, also no one does anything because diseases caused by the environment take decades to develop.
Wondered why its so hard for you to lose fat on your legs, why men these days have much lower testosterone than 30-40years ago. All this has to be taken into consideration when wanting optimal health not just Homer Simpson health!

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