
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Best Training For Body Composition - Lactic Acid Training

After the Christmas and New Year Fare a lot of my clients sport lumps on their love handles and abdominals where their biceps should be. In all fairness I went from 7.5% to 9.3% during the time. I know I need to not be so slack but it was a gluten free Christmas. Yeah the days of loosening the belt and falling asleep half of Christmas day are overn and I can honestly say I don't feel deprived.
So OK lets get back in shape. In shape to me is for a male 8.0%or below otherwise your fat for women around 16% is nice for athletes the female figure can be as low as 12%.
Lactic Acid Training - What is it? And why is it the best?
Lactic Acid training can take many forms. It can be done via interval training i.e. sprints out doors or interval training indoors on various exercise equipment. Long slow traditional cardio for most people will not get you lean without compromising strength and muscle. Yes girls you need to preserve muscle that's what gives you shape and keeps your metabolism strong so you can eat more and still be lean.
But by far the best way to get lean is lactic acid training using weights, strongman equipment or variations of Olympic lifts. You can generate more lactic acid in a progressive manner as you become more adapted to this sort of training.
Its very simple not easy " hard training changes your body shape" don't let anyone con you into anything different.
It amazes me how some trainers or marketers try to sell you the idea that moderate exercise will produce great results. Its not true.
Then again you can't smash yourself every workout either it needs to be periodic i.e. allow for recovery by having reduced volume or even off weeks of active recovery.
Charles Poliquin has written books and articles exposing the benefits of Lactic Acid training namely that the GH (growth hormone) produced is an anticatabolic hormone which will naturally unlock the ability for you to burn fat while gaining muscle which is thought to be impossible to achieve by the average trainer but I routinely see it over and over again. A typical male who sees me on average will lose 8 lbs of fat while gaining 8 lbs of muscle within 6 weeks of BioSignature and Lactic Acid training. The more lactic acid you produce during a workout, the more acidic your pH becomes, the more GH you will produce and the better your progress for leanness will be.
Cross-fit operates on this principle and although what they do is effective doing Olympic lift variations for high repetitions or under fatigue can be dangerous and German Body Composition and variations can achieve the same or better results in a much safer manner.
All you need is 45minutes 4 days per week either straight weight training or a combination with intervals.
Try this for size very simple but not easy routine
A1 Squats rest, rest 10 secs
A2 Chin Ups, rest 10 secs
A3 Dips, rest 10 secs
A4 Deadlifts, rest 120 secs
12 reps each 3 sec negative, 1 sec positive
Do it again 3 more times work up to 5 cycles over 4 weeks
Puke vomit curse me.

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