
Monday, January 2, 2012

Tip# 1 "Gut Health is vital for optimal health and body composition"

Your gut is considered by functional medicine as your second brain. Most of your neurotransmitters are manufactured in the gut. Alot of cognitive issues and sleep issues can be remedied by fixing your gut. First step is to realise you are what you absorb!
Your digestion (i.e.HCl test) and the excretion of Xenoestrogens such as para-beans, food additives, pesticides, pathogens etc determine who you are health wise.
The first step to optimal digestion and better body composition is 'The Acid Test' and using a quality probiotic daily.
Don't spin your wheels like so many women and men do by saying everything is OK.
Awesome results are around the corner if your gut is in order - oh that rhymes doesn't it?
If the above tips don't help you may need a CDSA (Comprehensive Digestive Stools Analysis by Drs Data) the Rolls Royce of functional medicine gut health checks to determine your gut flora balance and presence of parasites and/or need a gut healing protocol (used commonly to nutritionally support food sensitivities and leaky gut syndrome) involving a bunch of botanicals and glutamine, which can be determined by a MRT test soon to be available in Australia. I'll keep you posted.

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