
Monday, July 16, 2012

I wouldn't touch any whey protein that is not from NZ

Big Call but New Zealand has strict rules in regards to pesticide and herbicide use compared to Australia and America. There was a story Charles Poliquin shared about a very large supplement company in the USA who spend most of their money on marketing and very flashy ads mix their protein in 2 cement trucks!
Yikes imagine the impurities
If you purchase protein from a health practitioner the reason it costs more is that is tested for impurities, bacterial count and free of nasty chemicals
You can go online these days and purchase good quality bland whey with a little effort
Don't be duped by the marketing
Some of the colourings they use are what has been used in actual commercial paint
The cows are grazed on grass that is contaminated with sprays which increase estrogen in the body
Thats assuming the cows were fed grass. Why is grass fed important because your whey will naturally have a smart 'CLA ' Conjugated Linoleic Acid! which supports Healthy Body Composition!
Think twice about the cheap protein your buying
You may cause more harm than good
Buy a good whey protein form New Zealand which has a high chance of being clean
Your health and body composition will thank you

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