
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cinnamon and Lime Water Improves Your Insulin Profile

To help sensitize your body to insulin and promote a healthy gut bacteria make cinnamon water. It simple get 4 cinnamon sticks or 1 tablespoon of cinnamon quills, 1/2 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt and 1/2 teaspoon of bi-carb soda or baking soda. Mix into just over a liter of filtered water in a saucepan bring to boil and simmer for 10-15 mins. Drain off the quills or sticks.
Get a glass or BPA free container and dilute it 1part cinnamon drink to 2-3 parts water mix in some fresh lime juice if desired as it helps alkalize you too
Add ice

Monday, July 30, 2012

Insulin Is The Hormone Of Ageing

You need to control insulin in in order to reduce the effects of aging.High sugar intake increases this hormone.
Simply give up high sugar foods and reserve them for a once a week treat only!
Rampant sugar intake causes accelerated aging, nerve and cell damage. But you know what out of all the things that cause fat gain 1) stress 2) toxins and 3) malnutrition its the one thing we can control. No one ever had a doughnut or a coke cola by accident. It just doesn't happen.
Control insulin you control the aging process. I am not saying to eliminate carbohydrates I'm saying know the difference Neo carbs and Paleo carbs.
Neo carbs are man made processed or refined carbohydrates we were not designed to eat
Paleo carbs are the carbs our caveman ancestors ate
Problem is the low fat diet propaganda confuses people as they justify eating healthy staples such as pasta and bread. But in reality they raise blood sugar levels just as much as sugar.
Protein as the Greek translation suggests is of first importance and should be the main macronutrient consumed as most unprocessed proteins are low glycemic then you need to determine if you are predominately a fat or carbohydrate burner which a experienced BioSignature Practitioner can determine.
A simple field test is to consume a meat and nut breakfast before working out in the morning and comparing it to a high carbohydrate breakfast then see which one you are more mentally acute for.
I'm approaching 44 and that's the main thing I have done for the last 20 years through natural bodybuilding whereas most of my friends of same age are grey haired and out of shape

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Type Are You?

Secret to individualising your program is to access what type you are?
What do I mean well one of the best articles I ever read was  "The Five Elements – A New Training Paradigm" by Charles Poliquin
There are 5 types of people who train and only 3 worth mentioning

a) Fire type - they thrive on high volume and high intensity
b) Wood type - their volume and intensity needs to be varied as too much of one or the other makes them over train very easily
c) Earth type - they have the ability to do high reps and handle alot of volume and they can repeat that effort with less rest that the other 2 types above. They burn out if intensity is to high.
Knowing your type you will make better progress strength wise and body composition wise to.
For athletes it is vital as the wrong training method can limit their progress

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Common Squating Probelm - Do Your Knees Cave In ?

Common complaint that people encounter is that their knees collapse when they do squats.
I saw a physiotherapist wrap a belt around a clients thighs and telling them to focus on pushing out against the belt while squatting. "Cringe"
Well the problem is that the physio thinks that its due to weak hip abductors.
What is actually happening is the squat is primarily a hip extensors movement and the brain gets mixed messages as the physio tries to engage the hip abduction. This will cause a incorrect recruitment pattern being formed which will make you weaker in the squat and does not fix the problem. Its great for the physio because they get to pay off the mercedes!
Judging from the client returning for 3 months I'd say I should get into physio
There are 2 main causes either you have poor vastus medialis (VMO) strength  and/or a addhesions between the adductor magnus and medial hamstrings.
This is very common in women who do lots of pump classes or anyone who over uses the vastus lateralis
A better solution wold be to strengthen the VMO and stretch the hips and hamstrings which is done by a Level 2 and above PICP Strength Coach accessing a persons lower body structural balance

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Are You Still Having Soy?

If you read the media and believe the hype soy protein is good for you but is it?
regardless whether its non GMO or Organic all modern soy products are loaded with anti-nutrients such as phytates and toxins which are linked to many health conditions from brain shrinkage to thyroid dysfunction . In men, it lowers testosterone and sperm count to a point where they are 317% more likely to go shopping than to have sex. 
The American Heart Association no longer recommends soy for heart disease and the FDA is currently reviewing its policy on soy health.
Use Almond, goat or sheep's milk as a good alternative to common allergenic dairy 


Monday, July 23, 2012

The Secret To Results In The Gym Is No Secret At All

After training quite a few clients the difference between those getting results and those only getting moderate results is not what supplement they take or what food plan they are following or what new exciting training method they are following.
The common thing is that they work smart and hard not only in the gym but in their chosen field as well
In fact the more successful or hard worker the client the better the results
Sounds too simple
But people will do anything to avoid hard work
They will even hire a trainer that doesn't push them or follow a training method that isn't too hard or never take a training diary in the gym set goals or measure anything
Whats the secret to results - Heart - its what you do when you don't feel like it that counts
Anyone can train when all the conditions are just right
Most people say they do not have time to train 4 days per week whereas I say I haven't got the time not to train!
For every excuse someone has overcome that obstacle somewhere its when you stop looking that you fail

Monday, July 16, 2012

I wouldn't touch any whey protein that is not from NZ

Big Call but New Zealand has strict rules in regards to pesticide and herbicide use compared to Australia and America. There was a story Charles Poliquin shared about a very large supplement company in the USA who spend most of their money on marketing and very flashy ads mix their protein in 2 cement trucks!
Yikes imagine the impurities
If you purchase protein from a health practitioner the reason it costs more is that is tested for impurities, bacterial count and free of nasty chemicals
You can go online these days and purchase good quality bland whey with a little effort
Don't be duped by the marketing
Some of the colourings they use are what has been used in actual commercial paint
The cows are grazed on grass that is contaminated with sprays which increase estrogen in the body
Thats assuming the cows were fed grass. Why is grass fed important because your whey will naturally have a smart 'CLA ' Conjugated Linoleic Acid! which supports Healthy Body Composition!
Think twice about the cheap protein your buying
You may cause more harm than good
Buy a good whey protein form New Zealand which has a high chance of being clean
Your health and body composition will thank you