
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top 10 Things I Learnt in 2011

1. Focus on Results not internet marketing B.S.
Internet experts are a dime a dozen. When you look more closely at their physique's and clients things just don't add up. Anyone can be an expert behind a computer
2. Estrogen is the main culprit in Australia, Xenoestrogens in particular from pesticides and herbicides on non-organic fruits and vegetables, parabeans in cosmetics, shampoos, skincare and sunscreens etc Estrogen cleanses are extremely effective for the Australian population
3. Muscle testing is a great tool when all else fails
4. Use a grateful log for better sleep and success in life.
"That which is appreciated appreciates"
5. Its not about discipline "Focus on what you love" Do you love that doughnut more than a strong healthy body. You have 100% control over what you eat. I've never seen or heard of a doughnut mugging where a doughnut forces its way into someones mouth lol
6. After Omega 3's Zinc is the most important nutrient that needs to be replenished in Australia. Something unknown to me at the moment is depleting Zinc in the Australian population which explains why Australia has the highest rates of prostate cancer in the world. Zinc is vital for body composition because it improves testosterone which is important for glucose metabolism, training drive and its the only nutrient that increases the absorption of all other nutrients as alot of enzymes are Zinc dependent. Q.Where is Zinc stored? A. In the prostate!
7. Insulin is the hormone of aging. Controlling insulin is the key to longevity
8. HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)and Liposuction are not the answer to looking good and longevity they are the lazy or ignorant persons way. Optimizing your natural hormone cascade is the best way which is what BioSignature is really all about.
9. Anything which is able to be measured can be improved upon. Key to a crap personal trainer is they do not measure!
10. Never think you know it all continuous and never ending improvement is the key by always learning more. Make sure you are doing what you love otherwise you will more likely not be successful

Thursday, December 22, 2011

GP's are letting us down.UK and Aussie Drs have the worst attitude in the world

I have raised my standards in my Bio-Signature practice and hence my results. I now make it mandatory to get a Red Blood Cell Magnesium and Zinc test, D3, 12 hour fasted glucose and insulin test.
With this information there is so many benefits
Every single Doctor I ask for RBC Magnesium or Zinc test gives me the same response that its not necessary as they want you to be normal not optimal, there's a difference. The norms they have are based on Homer Simpson, they do not take into account toxicity, stress or malnutrition which are the 3 main causes of weight gain. I have had some Drs say they do the RBC Magnesium and Zinc test and I end up seeing Serum/Plasma which is only useful if you are near death, proof positive they have no interest in your optimal health or are ignorant of it.
Doesn't improve my confidence in GP's much. Just makes me want to learn more so I don't rely on them.
Actually at the recent BioSignature in QLD Charles said that in the US Dr Mark Houston Director, Hypertension Institute gets his colleages to take the BioSignature course different attitude over there.
Charles told of another story in Australia of a Doctor who took the BioSignature course who said there was no such thing as E2, E4 and E16 (different types of estrogens) many several pubmed references later he said they never taught that at school!
People, Australia has one of the highest rates of prostate cancer in the world and our Doctors are not taught the basics of E2, E4, & E16. Oh I know I'll start ranting on our government to and how they allow pesticides and herbicides which aren't allowed over seas making us one of the worst estrogenic places in the world. Hello anyone home? Then my favorite the Pharmaceutical industry in my opinion the biggest snakes of all.
I know I use to work for them!
I'll get on to that another day
What all this got to do with BioSignature, weight training, body composition, energy etc? Everything you see if you don't have incredible detoxification genes then getting fatter is easier, also no one does anything because diseases caused by the environment take decades to develop.
Wondered why its so hard for you to lose fat on your legs, why men these days have much lower testosterone than 30-40years ago. All this has to be taken into consideration when wanting optimal health not just Homer Simpson health!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

BioSignature Queensland 2012 Day Five

Last day of BioSignature and I could go another 5 days feel re-energized and motivated Top things I learnt were
- Grains have cracks in them. Grains are stored in silos were rodents live and they poop on the grains which stays in the cracks ten you eat them! One more reason to eliminate grains from your lifestyle, if you didn't have enough reasons already (if your new to the concept, everytime I give someone a gluten free lifestyle they drop their love handles, back and abdominal fold)
- White bread contains Bromide an agent that gives bread its whiteness. Only problem is it effects your thyroid in a negative way
- Vitamin E which includes Gamma tocopherols and polyphenols from Dark chocolate are the anti-oxidants of the uterus
- Smoking makes you insulin resistant. Best way to quit is to use a acupuncturist from china town
- Chiropractors love Kettle-bell swings. For every 5 degrees the kettle-bell is away from the axis of your body the load on your disc increases by 150% ouch!
- Had a great ART session with John Connor my left shoulder was excessively internally rotated in one hour its back in place saved me 10 visits to any practitioner in Melbourne
I plan on blogging more, yeah I know not another blogger. But my next project is 2012 assault on the Natural Mr Australia which I plan to blog all the supplements I take,eating,training and progress pictures (yikes). Call it a training journal if you wish to keep me accountable and to help others learn more about the natural way to super health and fitness

Friday, December 16, 2011

BioSignature Queensland 2012 Day Four

BioSignature Queensland 2012 Day four
Day Four was quite involved
Cortisol Modulation
1) There are 8 types of stressed people eg stressed and wired
2) A grateful log decreases cortisol and helps you sleep
3) Mobile phones, wifi etc all decrease testosterone
4) Exercising on electronic equipment increases cortisol and decreases testosterone (explains why those cardio people look the same year after year
5) Vitamin C, Magnesium and Pantethine help modulate cortisol
6) Answer your emails at twice per day max
7) Cortisol and Insulin are closely related. Cortisol makes glucose from amino acids in muscle
8) 80% of diseases known to man can be treated by addressing the pancreas and the adrenals
Estrogen Modulation
1) Organic butter improves estrogen detoxification, thyroid health due to iodine and gut health
2) Magnesium helps with E16 modulation
3) There are 3 types of estrogen E2 (good), E4(bad)and E16 (ugly)
4) One 30mg dose of Uber Sulforaphane(found in broccoli)per day prevents prostate cancer for life according to the research
5) Australia is swimming in a sea of estrogens (may I add ignorant and Doctors) found in our fruits and vegetables which are sprayed with chemicals which are not allowed in the US or Europe! Para-beans found in cosmetics, soaps, shampoos etc plastic and plastic linings of food etc etc
6) Want to detoxify estrogens make sure your D3 levels are above 80-100 nmol/L
7) Everyone according to Dr Mark C
8) Women who have been on pharmaceuticals ie the pill should take Estrodefense
9) Saddle bags? Take Green Tea Excellence and Grape Seed Supreme
10) Post pregnancy women should replenish their low DHA levels, D3, Gut Health and thyroid nutrients
11) The hamstring is the Xenoestrogen (man made estrogen s) site which is is high in Australia increasing prostate cancer and other cancers
12) For Women there are 6-8 different estrogen protocols
Phew and that's just a summary

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

BioSignature Queensland 2012 Day Three

Top 10 things I learnt from Day 3 Bio Signature 2011
1) Blue berries most brain protective whereas raspberries are more cardio protective - rotate your berries
2) 3 reason people are fat are stress, malnutrition and toxins -Nutritional Cleanses address all these areas and accelerate bio-transformation. In Australia because of all the pesticides in our foods a Estrogen cleanse is most likely in order. Personally I was stuck at 9-10% bodyfat for months did a 7 day cleanse and went from 9.1%@93kgs to 7.6%@91kgs. Interesting thing was it was easier to maintain as I went straight back to Paleo eating but switched all my foods. I've had alot of success with women doing these cleanses they find that its a great plateau buster as they continue to get leaner
3) Stay alkaline during the day with lime in your water or with greens drinks. Cortisol creates a acidic environment in the body, alkalizing can reduce cortisol and thus improve body composition much faster
4) Vitamin D3 - every single cell in your body has a Vitamin D3 receptor sight optimize D3 levels in your body and you optimize a myriad of functions, every ailment known to man can be improve with D3 except for being hit by a bus. Even then your reaction time will be better with D3 so you can dodge the bus!
5) Anyone with Chrons, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis or similar have had success doing a MRT test followed by a gut rebuild protocol and Cod Liver Oil
6) Mimic sundown in your house to generate more melatonin before bed for better sleep ie. dim lights etc
7) Sunglasses decrease vitamin D3 production
8) Glutamine is a adaptogenic amino acid which means it can convert to any amino the body needs
9) Vitamin E and poly-phenols from chocolate are the antioxidants of the uterus
10) 70% or more Dark chocolate should be shaved to increase the sweetness and so you don't inhale it, Pressing the shavings against your palate activates the neurolingual reflex which increases the absorption of nutrients - this has been validated via MRI studies

Sunday, December 11, 2011

BioSignature Queensland 2012 Day Two

Today was exciting as I set up a one on one consult with Charles Poliquin
Got some exciting information on
a)getting a women's triceps lean fast,
b) how to fix up one of my client's thyroid issues without using prescription drugs,
c) how to fix up a ballet dancer's knee fluid called adductor hiatis,
d) post pregnancy protocol involving a particular form of fish oil and carnitine
e_ how to drop visceral fat fast with
Top ten things I learnt today was
- idl directly linked to heart disease
- fish oil and carnitine keeps your arteries elastic
-the first thing you put in your mouth in the morning sets up all your neurotransmitters for the day
- Intermittent fasting makes you more toxic
- When your liver is overloaded your kidney tries to detoxify and this is noted when sometimes when a persons faces blows up like a swissball
- coffee is one of the most pesticides crops there is
- want to make perfect cup of coffee? First percolate do not get a expresso as it has virtually no cafeine, use almost frozen water in the percolator it takes longer to boil and thus diffuses more anti-oxidants and caffeine
- red bull which contains glucolactone decreases manganese and low manganese decreases joint strength which can lead to injury
- whey protein from Australia, NZ or Canada has CLA, American protein does not
- low fat protein sources are cancer inducers add CLA for protection
- Multi-vitamin is the first step to enhance detoxification
- Poliquin coming out soon with a test to determine your ideal ratio of Protein, Carbs and fats for optimal body composition

BioSignature Queensland 2012 Day One

Just thought I note down what I learnt at BioSignature this year.
It will reinforce what I learn and give you a insight into the latest in functional medicine
10 things I learnt from Day One
- Australia has one the highest rates of prostate cancer in the world and the main reason is obesity here is estrogen
- Aussies always test high on the hamstring site due to Xenoestrogen (man made estrogens)These xenoestrogens are in our food, reinforces to eat organically
- 99% of people have low or no stomach acid or Zinc which leads to a number of issues such as not absorbing your macro and micro nutrients properly so its harder to be healthy and stay or get into shape
- Cholesterol is not a accurate predictor of Heart Disease
- the norms for cholesterol are artificially low so pharmaceutical companies can sell more Lipator which has been shown to double your risk of cancer
- most "norms" are driven to sell drugs
- if your obese your depressed use high dose fish oils
- Gluten increases plaque on the brain makes it harder to lose fat
- No auto immune diseases in countries with D3 levels greater than 80
-anyone who follows the caloric nutrion model is a certified moron, it just doesn't work